
More Porn for 848 Fans

Various items I’ve found whilst wandering the internet…

This may be the most the longest Ducati 848 video I’ve seen at almost nine minutes. A mini feature of sorts, it has interviews (which are kinda tough to understand), Xaus having fun doing laps, cool pictures and sounds. Found it at Raptors and Rockets, a pretty good site if you didn’t already know.

Check out this Motorcycle USA review, if you’ve got four minutes. Maybe you’ve seen it, maybe not, I don’t know, I just want to ride one already. 

These are kinda cool, except for the last one, which is, well…:

 Is MVAgusta.net trying to say something? Hmmm…


1 Response to “More Porn for 848 Fans”

  1. 1 Anonymous
    January 26, 2008 at 8:29 pm

    What happened to the updates?

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