
More Porn for 848 Fans

Various items I’ve found whilst wandering the internet…

This may be the most the longest Ducati 848 video I’ve seen at almost nine minutes. A mini feature of sorts, it has interviews (which are kinda tough to understand), Xaus having fun doing laps, cool pictures and sounds. Found it at Raptors and Rockets, a pretty good site if you didn’t already know.

Check out this Motorcycle USA review, if you’ve got four minutes. Maybe you’ve seen it, maybe not, I don’t know, I just want to ride one already. 

These are kinda cool, except for the last one, which is, well…:

 Is MVAgusta.net trying to say something? Hmmm…



“Make the 1098 More Usable…”

I came across this Desmoblog entry about three weeks after the fact.

Dated November 30, its from the personal files of Ducati Corse CEO Claudio Domenicali. The entire article is relavent- revised philosophies on design and development and so forth- but I’m trying to keep the old copy and paste to a minimum.

 The part that matters to us is what reads as consumer concern about the 848, specifically why the engineers went with a wet clutch. I have only owned one Ducati- the wet clutched S2R. I’ve never ridden a dry clutch bike, so for now, I’ll remain ignorant. Wet clutch, dry clutch- Claudio didn’t write this entry to answer any of my questions.

Continue reading ‘“Make the 1098 More Usable…”’


In the Flesh

I don’t really know how to start this article.

I mean, a bike comes out, so what? You eventually make it into the showrooms to check it out, or you see one you’re stoked about blow past you on the interstate, or that one guy at your bike night gets one. You see it, eventually. I cannot remember a time when such a big deal was made about a bike coming out, at least one that wasn’t Italian.


Its been on my calendar for a month, this date, December 14th, the night the 848 officially arrives in selected dealerships. I had the day off, and nerded out playing Bioshock. The game is awesome, actually, but that’s material for some other guys blog. The point though is the game became an excuse not to leave. I was putting off going to see the bike, the one I have written so much about, the one I was making a big deal about. What if it disappointed me? 

So I trucked out, down to my neighborhood Ducati dealer (literally- they’re right down the street), the Ducati Superstore of Phoenix. It was quite the to do. They did a great job, with the spotlights and cookies and cream puffs. Bocelli was piped in. Some beautiful girl made me an espresso. And amongst all this, two 848s sat facing each other, as undisappointing as possible. That’s definitely not a word…

The bikes were something, in person, in front of me. Not life changing, by any means. Bocelli himself could have been there bellowing, with rays of heaven illuminating the bikes, and it wouldn’t have made that big of a difference. But sweet they were. Stockier than their pictures paint, more stout. The 848 looks strong when it sits and front of you, but toy-like, especially the white one. As a kid, something like it would have been on my Christmas list. I suppose that’s why I want one so much now.

    dsc00358.jpg                  dsc00357.jpg

I will say this: the white one, though bad ass, pales in comparison to the red. The red frame, the pop of the matte black belly pan, the black wheels and accents… it’s too much for any bike, let alone its brethren. Too all I’ve told about getting the white one, I retract. I’ll have the Ducati 848, in red please.   


Something else, while I’m feeling honest. Its hard not to turn your head in a Ducati showroom. I like blondes, right. If I’m at the beach and see blonde hair, I’m looking, even if she’s haggard. Its the same at a Ducati dealership, with red everywhere, even the Multistrada looks good. Rubbernecking is allowed. But I saw a bike that I cannot stop thinking about, for its form, its function, what the bike’s all about.The Hypermotard beckons me with the equivalent of bedroom eyes. I want it, and may cheat. 

Versus (Part 3): 848 vs. Hypermotard, then..?


Various Articles

A couple of articles I came across while researching, for you reader types:

A first look from Motorcycleusa.com, dated 11/05/07. Not exactly news, but a good overall of the Ducati 848, for those catching up.

From Raptors and Rockets, an article giving their first impressions. 

Same deal with this snippet from Cars.uk

This one is interesting. Its an article from a sport newspaper in Italy, called La Gazzetta Dello Sport. The gist is translated on the Ducati.ms forum, which is what the link is to.



Ducati 848 on the Dyno

Here’s a short but sweet video of the 848 on the dynamometer, from the guys at Motorapido. Note the graphed results- 121 bhp at 9600 plus? That’s ten percent less then Ducati’s figures, most likely measured at the crank. Want an explanation of the difference between bhp and hp? Here’s a link.

But the Termi cans… that sweet sound. I can’t wait to check this bike out over the  weekend.


Versus (Part 2): Ducati 848 vs. Daytona 675

No offense to my friends from England, but beauty is limited in English exports. Women, clothes, cars, bikes- you don’t think beautiful right away if its English made, not like you would with a “made in Italy” stamp.

But then, what is English and looks good ends up looking really really good, like all the beauty is concentrated in a few select examples. The Austin Martin DB9. Elizabeth Hurley. Paul Smith suits. You understand.

Continue reading ‘Versus (Part 2): Ducati 848 vs. Daytona 675’


some of them newfangled moving pictures of the 848

Here’s another batch of Ducati 848 footage, assembled for your viewing pleasure. If you have any problems viewing them, go to youtube, search Ducati 848, and you’re on your way.

First, a seven minute video of Rueben Xaus and friend taking laps at Spain’s Almeria circuit for Motociclismo magazine. The sound transfer isn’t exactly sweet, which is a shame, but whatever.

Next, a three minute walk around, same track, same event I imagine. Sound is good.

Xaus again, putting in a pretty fast lap. Three minute clip.

The best for last: first impressions. Good camera work, sound, images. From Motorcycle News, presented by Michael Neeves.


First Ride

Michael Neeves of Motorcycle News wrote his feelings on the Ducati 848 after riding it around Spain’s famed Almeria circuit. The link is a tease, as the article is only 100 words or so. It does, however, leave the reader with a promise of more to come:

“We’ll have a video of the test online shortly, and you can read the full report in Motorcycle News on Wednesday, December 5, 2007.”

Also cool: MCN is offering a chance to win an 848 by booking advance tickets to the ExCel motorcycle show in London. The show runs from January 31st to February 3rd.


Versus (Part 1): Ducati 848 vs. Gixer 750

Wouldn’t it be sweet to write for a moto rag? Even if you were the low man at the office, say, the guy writing a Chinese scooter shootout, it would still be great. You’d be at the front lines of motorcycle journalism, reviewing garages of bikes in ideal locations, documenting rides through exotic places, dissecting engines, influencing thousands.

Continue reading ‘Versus (Part 1): Ducati 848 vs. Gixer 750’


Slacker Blogger on Guitar Hero Haitus

I’ve been a little neglectful to my site recently. I blame it all on Guitar Hero 3.

For those who haven’t played it: you’re missing out. Unless you’re trying to be productive, in which case, do yourself a favor and stay away.

For those who have played it, you understand its power and why doing anything other than playing it is difficult. You appreciate how awesome it is, how gratifying it is to get a five star review on “Black Magic Woman” on Hard. You are more forgiving.

Regardless, apologies.