
Slacker Blogger on Guitar Hero Haitus

I’ve been a little neglectful to my site recently. I blame it all on Guitar Hero 3.

For those who haven’t played it: you’re missing out. Unless you’re trying to be productive, in which case, do yourself a favor and stay away.

For those who have played it, you understand its power and why doing anything other than playing it is difficult. You appreciate how awesome it is, how gratifying it is to get a five star review on “Black Magic Woman” on Hard. You are more forgiving.

Regardless, apologies.

1 Response to “Slacker Blogger on Guitar Hero Haitus”

  1. 1 Velasco
    December 4, 2007 at 9:41 pm

    If you thought that Guitar Hero III was addictive then stay away from Rock Band. You can play the drums and sing in addition to playing the guitar! I’m a terrible singer, but Rock Band makes it fun! If Guitar Hero is cocaing then Rock Band is crack!

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